Set behind the heavy wrought-iron fence surrounding it, Hillfield Manor has sat empty for decades. Rumors of ghostly sightings and sudden disappearances plague the manor, and those who have dared step foot inside have sworn never to do so again.

But Hillfield is opening its doors once more, and when Emma Beckett is invited to copy type the family journals, she’s eager to live and work at the haunted manor, a place she has longed to explore, especially after her sister’s recent death.

Emma isn’t prepared for Alexander Eason, though, or the way he makes her feel—even if he’s been dead for three hundred years.

Upon reading a journal entry stating a secret room exists where she and Alexander can appear to one another as more than mere shadows, Emma has to find it. But will the room—and Alexander—be all that they claim, or will Emma find that some things are better left buried in the past?

2024 Readers' Favorite Silver Medal winner!
2023 Finalist of the Wishing Shelf Book Awards!
Within These Walls image
Derrière la lourde clôture en fer forgé qui l'entoure, le manoir de Hillfield est vide depuis des décennies. Des rumeurs d'apparitions de fantômes et de disparitions soudaines pèsent sur le manoir, et ceux qui ont osé y mettre les pieds ont juré de ne plus jamais le faire.

Mais Hillfield ouvre à nouveau ses portes, et lorsque Emma Beckett est invitée à taper les journaux de famille, elle est impatiente de vivre et de travailler dans ce manoir hanté, un domaine qu'elle a toujours voulu explorer, particulièrement après la mort récente de sa sœur.

Emma n'est cependant pas préparée à Alexander Eason, ni à ce qu'il lui fait ressentir—même s'il est mort depuis trois cents ans.

Après avoir lu une entrée de journal indiquant l'existence d'une pièce secrète où elle et Alexander peuvent apparaître l'un à l'autre comme plus que de simples ombres, Emma doit la trouver. Mais la pièce—et Alexander—seront-ils tout ce qu'ils prétendent, ou Emma découvrira-t-elle qu'il vaut mieux laisser certaines choses enfouies dans le passé ?

Entre Ces Murs--Bientôt disponible image
The House on the Lake imageThe House on the Lake image
An island is the last place Eve Beckett ever thought she’d end up. Deathly afraid of water, she has no memory of arriving at the foreboding Lakeview Manor on the Isle of Esse. Her love for a good mystery, however, especially when it comes to strange houses and the paranormal, has her second-guessing her desire to leave.

But there’s something odd going on at Lakeview. Dark and dusty rooms shift location, and there’s a mysterious woman only Eve seems able to see . . .

When Eve’s mirror twin shows up, also with no memory of how she arrived on the island, and the property manager warns them away from his brother—one Eve has no wish to avoid—the number of mysteries surrounding Lakeview becomes too much. As she learns more about the manor and its inhabitants, the question becomes not just how but if Eve will ever leave the island.

2021 Gold Medal Winner for The Wishing Shelf Book Awards and
2021 American Fiction Awards Finalist

Find The House on the Lake here: The House on The Lake

En français

Une île est le dernier endroit où Eve Beckett pensait se retrouver. Ayant une peur bleue de l'eau, elle n'a aucun souvenir de son arrivée au sinistre manoir Lakeview sur l'île d'Esse.

Mais son goût pour l’inexpliqué, surtout lorsqu'il s'agit de maisons étranges et de paranormal, l'amène à douter de son envie de partir. Des pièces sombres et poussiéreuses qui changent de place, et puis il y a cette femme mystérieuse que seule Eve semble voir...

Lorsque la jumelle d'Eve apparaît, elle aussi sans aucun souvenir de son arrivée sur l'île, et que le gérant de la propriété les met en garde contre son frère—dont Eve estime n’en avoir que faire—le nombre de mystères entourant Lakeview augmente.

Au fur et à mesure qu'elle en apprend davantage sur le manoir et ses habitants, la question devient non seulement de savoir comment, mais également si Eve réussira à quitter l'île un jour.
Nora image
After a virus practically decimated the human population, those who survived must deal with the aftermath left in its wake. Finding one's place is only one of the obstacles. Newly found Abilities and facing those the virus has left insane are others. Nora reels from an encounter with a Crazy and the loss of her fiancé at the woman's hands, but can she come to terms with everything that has happened, or will revelations drive her over the edge? Inspired by Midnight Sun, book two of the Savage North Chronicles by Lindsey Pogue, Nora takes a peek at a character in the shadows, one determined to find happiness no matter what.
Holly Hill Mangin is an English literature teacher at an international school in the south of France and a freelance copy editor at Fresh as a Daisy Editing. Her book, The House on the Lake, was a gold medal winner in the 2021 Wishing Shelf Book Awards and a finalist for the 2021 American Fiction Awards. And Within These Walls, published in August 2023, is a 2023 finalist in the Wishing Shelf Book Awards. Both novels have been translated into French.
Always ready to laugh, Holly can be serious when the need calls for it. She lives with her husband and their two kids a stone’s throw (okay, more like half an hour) away from the French Riviera, and she finds that reading and writing go a long way in procrastinating learning French.
About image

No Shelf Control

Having the opportunity to chat with authors Lindsey Pogue and Lindsey Sparks was a blast!

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The Wishing Shelf Book Awards

Created by Edward Trayer(pen name Billy Bob Buttons), The Wishing Shelf Book Awards adult books are judged by two Reading Groups, one in London and one in Stockholm.

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Reader's Favorite Book Review

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Mosaic Digest: The Enigmatic World of Holly Hill Mangin

Holly’s novels, The House on the Lake and Within These Walls, are rich with elements of mystery and the paranormal. Her fascination with the unknown drives her to explore themes that offer explanations for the unexplainable, captivating readers who share this curiosity. For Holly, these elements are foundational; the characters and plot develop naturally around these core themes. She reflects on how both novels ended up examining different interpretations of ghosts, a realization she found intriguing.

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Reader's House: An Interview with Author Holly Hill Mangin

Diving into her novels, it’s evident that Holly’s storytelling is imbued with elements of mystery and the paranormal. With a keen eye for the unexplained, she navigates the realms of ghosts and the unknown, inviting readers to ponder the mysteries that surround us. In conversation, she shares her fascination with these themes, acknowledging that they serve as gateways to the enigmatic wonders of the world.

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